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Allies, Advocates, Co-Conspirators, Friends, Sisters: A Playbook for Leading, Learning, and Liberation
Welcome to the Course!
Welcome! Read Important Stuff, and Get Started! (2:18)
This Isn't Only For White Women, Is It?
Ally, Advocate, Co-Conspirator, Friend, Sister: Which Are You? (11:31)
Mapping Your Motivation: Emotions (0:58)
Mapping Your Motivation: Legacy (0:50)
Before We Start, An Important Message
Bonus: Brave Sis Project Origin Story (9:29)
Bonus: Diversity Fatigue - Just Say No!
Bonus: Values and Attributes "Meditation" (11:40)
Your Workbook
Wait, I'm a Dude
Tactic One: Understand Privilege and Position, But Don’t Freeze
Quotable Quote (0:42)
Tactic One: Intro (0:56)
What is My Privilege? (10:08)
Rugged Individualism and the American Dream (9:01)
The Bases, Basics, and Ramifications of Bias in Our Society (51:53)
Flip it and Reverse It - One Size Does Not Fit All (0:07)
Reflection time
Wrap Up
Tactic Two: Say No to Monoculture – Unlearn Minimizing and Ignoring
Quotable Quote (0:09)
Tactic Two: Say No to Monoculture – Unlearn Minimizing and Ignoring - Intro (14:26)
Reflection time
More Resources
Flip it and Reverse It - The Limits of What You Can "Have" (0:07)
Reflection and Action
Tactic Three: Banish Tone Policing and Stereotyping
Quotable Quote (0:15)
Tactic Three: Banish Tone Policing and Stereotyping - Intro (5:11)
Tone Policing and White Supremacy "Norms" (33:38)
More Resources
Workplace Harm and "Why Can't We Be Friends?"
Flip it and Reverse It - "You Talk Like a White Girl" (0:07)
Wrap Up: Even (Especially) the Experts are Tone-Policed + How Do We Talk About Class? (1:24)
Take Action: Five Ways to "Arrest" Tone-Policing (0:06)
Tactic Four: Run Away From Exoticism, Fascination, and Fetishization
Quotable Quote (0:24)
Tactic Four: Run Away From Exoticism, Fascination, and Fetishization Intro (23:32)
Fetishes are Bad (1:00)
Braids, A Discourse
The Grand Tour and the Appropriative Origins of Tourism (7:13)
Flip It and Reverse it - Colorism (0:07)
Take Action
Tactic Five: Interrogate Power, to Expand It
Quotable Quote (0:10)
Tactic Five: Interrogate Power, to Expand It: Intro (32:58)
Additional Resources
Flip It and Reverse It - Elitism in Communities of Color (0:07)
Take Action
Tactic Six: Retire the White Savior Approach
Quotable Quote (0:21)
Tactic Six: Retire the White Savior Approach Intro (9:27)
Act One: Movies Makin' Mindsets
Act Two: Not So Humane (1:20)
Flip it and Reverse It - Take That, Colonialist King! (0:07)
Act Three: Philanthropy: If Wishes Were Fishes (36:07)
Take Action! (0:23)
Tactic Seven: Reject Tokenism
Quotable Quote (0:16)
Tactic Seven: Reject Tokenism Intro (5:21)
Tokenism in Various Contexts (3:22)
Flip It and Reverse It: The "Model Minority" (5:53)
Take Action (0:29)
Tactic Eight: Resist Performativism, Nice-Ism, and Virtue-Signaling
Quotable Quote (0:14)
Tactic Eight: Resist Performativism, Nice-Ism, and Virtue-Signaling - Intro (0:05)
Nice is Not Kind - And Vice Versa (12:24)
Reflection (0:29)
Additional Resources
Flip It and Reverse It: Respectability Politics (0:07)
Take Action
Tactic Nine: Stop Ignoring History, Culture, Geography, and Context
Quotable Quote (0:16)
Tactic Nine: Stop Ignoring History, Culture, Geography, and Context - Intro (3:28)
A Baker’s Dozen of Myths, Mistruths, Half-Truths and Other Nonsense I Was Taught in School or from the TV Part One (26:53)
Reflection on Part One
A Baker's Dozen, Part Two (37:58)
Reflection on Part Two
A Baker's Dozen, Part Three (20:30)
Reflection on Part Three
Resources Galore!
Take Action
Bonus Video: Is Feminism Really White Supremacy in High Heels? (54:48)
Flip It and Reverse It: There Were White Advocates (0:07)
Tactic Ten: Don’t Fall into the Trap of Over-Intellectualizing
Quotable Quote (0:16)
Tactic Ten: Don’t Fall into the Trap of Over-Intellectualizing - Intro (2:24)
Face Facts! Don’t Flee, Fight, Fawn, Freeze, Philosophize, Freak Out, Fantasize, Faint, Flip, Act Foolish, or Eff Up! (14:20)
Flip It and Reverse It: Humor (0:07)
On Beloved Community (12:15)
Do the Work. (43:51)
Final Reflections - From Thoughts to Feelings to Action! (3:38)
The Origin of this Course
Thank You!
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Tactic Three: Banish Tone Policing and Stereotyping - Intro
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